Tuesday, 22 May 2012

The Seánpod - Victoria Day - Episode 19

Victoria day is fast approaching! Are you ready? Do you have your Queen Victoria mask out of Storage? Seán can't wait! Join him now!

Thanks for listening - Seán

Follow Seán on Twitter @MrSeanCullen or join his fan page at: www.facebook.com/ComedianSeanCullen

Send feedback to Seanpodvandamme@gmail.com

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

The Seánpod - Mother's Day - Episode 18

Seán Shares some memories of his mother in a tribute to the Mother of all days: Mother's Day
*Sound quality is the result of interference from Seán's Mother's Uterine Wall. This episode was recorded live from Seán's Mother's Womb
Thanks for listening - Seán

Follow Seán on Twitter @MrSeanCullen or join his fan page at: www.facebook.com/ComedianSeanCullen

Send feedback to Seanpodvandamme@gmail.com